Phrase Golf
by Keenan Pepper (Buggy Alpha Version)
Try to guess the hidden phrase. You may make as many guesses as you
wish, and for each guess you get a semantic similarity score.
Game #253: □□□□ □ □□□□□ □□
How to Play
- Type a guess in the field and click submit. The pattern of letters in today's phrase is □□□□ □ □□□□□ □□, but you don't have to limit your guesses to fit that — guess any word or phrase.
- A new row should appear in the table with a similarity score for your guess. A low similarity score (20% or less, including negative) means your word is basically unrelated. If your guess is correct it will be 100% similar.
- Keep guessing as many times as it takes.
- In order to see your top guesses, click the word "Similarity" to sort the table.